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WAS : Let's start with a little introduction of you, what you do in life, hobbies etc..
Rodeo : Coffee is a huge and integral part of my existence without which I would melt into a puddle of nothingness. But hanging out with my friends, cycling, going to the gym, going to concerts, playing with my band Mystic Knights and chilling at home with my cats are also hobbies of mine.

WAS : Do you remember your first encounter with music?
RodeoFirst encounter, not really. I grew up in a real musical household, so we had a piano, guitars, a banjo, a saxophone, drum set and loads of other things that were at my disposal from a young age so I guess I was always surrounded by it. I learnt piano for 5 years and trumpet for 8 years - which i was at a professional level for. Drumming is where I went after this, naturally, I was self taught and always just knew how to play I guess.

WAS : "Rodeo" where does the name / the project come from?
RodeoI am a fan of one-word band names, and I was thinking about what I should call the project for a long time. I was into this idea of masculine heartthrobs from old movies like Steve McQueen and James Dean, and that's what RODEO conjured for me. The project has been something I have slowly-but-surely been working on since the end of 2009, I met my producer Darren Jensen in Brisbane when I was living there through a mutual friend and after I had been paling in my somewhat successful indie band I Heart Hiroshima I had expressed my interest in making electronic/hip hop/dance influenced pop music and he was a genius with infinite amounts of talent and knowledge so we started to work together and he taught me how to use logic and record vocals and i just started. I then moved away from australia first to New York and then to Berlin, armed with only a laptop where i slowly began to write the songs. To this day Darren and i develop songs by sending ideas back and forth with each other and it's really amazing to be able to have such a talented guy on the other side of the world that I am able to make music with through the power of the internet!

WAS : Does your music tell a specific story?
RodeoYeah of course, I guess my music is pop when it comes down to it. I tell mostly true stories in a very metaphoric way and some fictional tales, or from a third person perspective at least. They speak about common experience,there are songs about old bandmates, love triangles, asshole roommates,  fights,  getting mugged - the aptly titled 'Love Street' - amongst other things. I guess I want people to hear the lyrics and get what I am saying……and if not, or if I am too proverbial at times they can at least feel the need to move or feel good. I want only positive vibes!

WAS : Tell us about the first time you played in front of an audience.
RodeoOh man, I have been playing in front of audiences in one way or another for a long time. I guess it would be when I was 8 or 10 for school recitals and concert bands and stuff. I never get nervous, it's a skill. I'm always into it. Oh i got nervous once when I supported Cat Power…….I couldn't move or talk…I can NEVER not talk!

WAS : Tell us your best musical souvenir: a personal one and one as rodeo.
RodeoI guess personal and one as Rodeo would be the same; the satisfaction of knowing I am able to make music on my own and finishing a song and realizing that I can create like that in a solo context after many many years of playing in bands. Also the courage to step out of my comfort zone to leave my so-called-paradise hometown in Australia to dive into the unknown and to see what happens. Also playing drums for Sia in the middle of a forest in Michigan in front of thousands of people was also pretty amazing!

WAS : When and how did Leonizer contact you? What was your first reaction?
RodeoI guess it was a few months back and I thought I was just getting advice from them about how they could help me out and then the news came that they wanted to release my stuff which was such a surprise and was really great for me at the time! They have been really on the ball and supportive and positive and FUN. It's also great to see them dance whenever I DJ. Really great people, big love!

WAS : When i say "when it reigns".. you tell me..?
RodeoIt's a play on the English Saying "When it rains it pours" which means everything happens at once, which i feel like is basically my life! Everything always  seems to come pouring like waterfall at one time….and that's when I work my best, under pressure and multi tasking a thousand things. I am really taking advantage of my ADHD.

WAS : A music that made you cry?
RodeoNina Nastasia - Dogs and Cat Power - Moon Pix. I can't even LISTEN to those records without feeling the tears coming! They are amazing but so sad!

WAS : Projects for the future?
RodeoI am going to keep working on Rodeo, keep working hard on my eventual LP, do a bunch of touring, release some vinyl and I am also playing in a new romantic - epic band called Mystic Knights that will be playing live soon too, so I have a bunch of things going on, really excited for the coming months.

WAS : Something to add?
RodeoI can't wait to play in France! I will eat a million croissants and drink a thousand espressos!


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